Follow the instructions below for your platform of choice to learn how to create or add polls.
On the Web
When writing a post, click the blue Poll icon to insert a poll:
Fill in a title, add at least 2 (up to a maximum of 12) options, choose your poll’s duration (1 day or 1 week), insert any other desired content and your tags, then post or schedule when you’re done!
In the Apps
When writing a post in the iOS or Android app, click the poll icon at the bottom.
After that, building your poll is the same as on the Web.
To vote, simply tap the desired option. You can only choose one. Once you have voted, you’ll be able to see the results so far.
(enjoy the original Vanilla Extract poll)
When a poll’s specified time frame has been completed, the results will be made final and the winner will be highlighted:
(enjoy the original Bug Race poll)
Q: What’s the character limit?
A: You can have up to 80 characters in each option.
Q: How do I customize the appearance of polls on my blog's desktop theme?
A: While we don’t officially offer customization options, and the way polls work may change over time, there are a few tutorials across Tumblr, like this tutorial for altering poll colors and font sizes.
Q: Can you edit a published poll?
A: You can edit all content around the poll block but you can't edit the poll block itself. You can, however, change the position of the poll block within the post or delete it.