If you try creating or changing a blog URL and you see an error message like "Someone beat you to that username," that means the URL you'd like is already taken.
We don’t release already registered or otherwise taken URLs or names, nor can we put you in touch with the account owner. If you get an error message when trying to register an apparently unused name (for example, when you see a "There's nothing here" message when you try to visit the blog), the blog may be hidden or the URL is currently unavailable.
If you have a registered trademark or have found a clear case of impersonation, please report that to us here. You can help us with the review process by attaching a copy of your active trademark documentation and otherwise demonstrating your connection to the trademark.
Some dormant, unused names may eventually be released as a part of our policy, which apply to accounts that have not been logged into (not the same as "posted from") for over a year or so. There is no way to tell from looking at a blog whether the account has been logged into recently, but if you've got your eye on a taken URL, you're welcome to wait patiently and try signing up with that name every once in a while.